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Anti-Sterlite activists on Friday demanded that the Tamil Nadu government convene the Assembly to discuss the contents of the Justice (retired) Aruna Jegadeesan Commission, which according to reports, has pinned the blame on the police for the May 22, 2018, firing on protesters in Thoothukudi that killed 13 civilians.

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Chennai, Aug 19 (IANS): The Justice Aruna Jagadeesan (retd) Commission, which probed the police firing on May 22-23, 2018 on protesters in Tamil Nadu's Thoothukudi, leading to the death of 13 persons, has come out heavily against police officers involved as well as the then district Collector N. Venkitesan. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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People’s Watch has been deeply disturbed by the state of incidents of custodial torture and violence including those leading to deaths that have shaken the conscience of, well-meaning citizens, the government including different sections of the police itself.

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  • News The police had claimed that Vignesh had suffered a fatal seizure on April 19
  • His family said he had no such medical history and alleged he was tortured by police
  • Vignesh was brutally hit from 11 pm to 2:30 am: Executive Director of People's Watch

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V Vignesh was arrested by the Chennai police for allegedly possessing marijuana and a knife. On April 19, the following day, he died in police custody due to alleged custodial torture. While the officials have denied custodial violence, the family accuses the police of brutality, claiming it to be yet another case of custodial death.

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The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court recently issued directions to prison authorities and District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs) to protect the rights of prisoners.


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For ‘Rapid Decline’ in Civic Freedoms, India Added to CIVICUS Monitor’s 'Watchlist'

In its report, CIVICUS highlighted several developments that it saw as cause for concern. 

New Delhi: India has been added to a watchlist of countries that have seen a “rapid decline” in civic freedoms by an independent monitor, highlighting the drastic measures taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to silence critics of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

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