The 15-year-old daughter of the Dharmapuri Chief Educational Officer (CEO), Sangamapriya, is a student of the Elakkyampatty Government Girls High School. She is, at present, in the tenth grade. A nerve defect at birth had reduced the functionality of her right hand to barely 40%. She is also unable to raise her hand more than 90 degrees. Sangamapriya even has a certificate that points out that she is 40% differently-abled. Due to this Sangamapriya, along with her mother, Maheswari, sought an extension of an hour based on an examination by the Dharmapuri Medical College Hospital’s Assistant Professor Dr. A. Anand Kumar in December 2016, who certified that Sangamapriya has a condition described as Congenital Manoparessis upper limb. The medical certificate issued by him stated that “she needs extra time to write her 10th public examination.”